
I have a Chinese song in one of my CD, sang by this very sweet voice from Shang Hai-Kym Jin Sha ft JJ Lin Jun Jie, song title "ben dan" (Idiot)

The lyrics and VO touched my heart..........

by 金莎 ft 林俊杰

Kym : 很多时候我因为怕受伤,所以就选择先放弃。
"Im always afraid of being hurt, therefore always choose to give up.
Im too much loving freedom, even though Im in need of love, but still do not know how to let others to enter my heart."

JJ : 难道,我不能给你百分百的信心吗?你知道,我一直有多在乎你。
"Cant I give you 100% of confident? You shud know that, Im always cared about you."

Kym : 我珍惜这份安全感,却担心他的牺牲。所以每天的感觉还是孤独的。我还是需要一个人,一个人想一想。
"I treasured the sense of secure given, but feeling uneasie for his sacrifices. Everyday Im still living in loneliness. I think, I will need to be alone, I will have to think thoroughly with my own."

冰箱结霜 咖啡滚烫 煮不好 最简单的早餐
我的生活 是一团混乱 维持单身 感觉茫然
喜不喜欢 习不习惯 我总是 说不出个答案
一个人来 又一个人往 怎么让他 流连忘返

我不想当笨蛋 我在墙上写满渴望
我可以大哭一场 房间还是空空荡荡
我绝对不逞强 该属于我任其自然
可是我也要安全感 在某个适当程度的主张
纵然是了解眼光 也是温暖

JJ ; 这段日子你真的过的好吗?
"Are you living well these days?"

Kym : 没有你的早晨,加了糖的咖啡,也是苦的。
"Morning which without you, no matter how much sugar I added into coffee, it still tastes bitter."

JJ : 当时我尊重你的要求,所以我离开。但,这段日子你不开心,所以我就回来了。
"I respected your request and left. But you were not living well, therefore Im back."

Kym : 也许,我连自己要什么我也不知道。我一个人,游游荡荡。自由久了,也没有了目标。梦里醒来,发现墙上已经不自觉写满了你的名字。
"Maybe, I don even know whats needed by myself. Being alone, enjoy freedom, time by time, Im losing directions. Waken from the dream, I noticed that, I've been writing ur name..."

JJ : 单身,是茫然。恋爱,也彷徨。我明白,所以我用时间去证明了这颗心。不会因为你曾经的放弃而改变。
"Single is a loss; to love is a confusion. I understand, Therefore I used the time to prove this heart. Could not change because of your once giving up."

每个早上 都想赖床 没有梦 是最让人沮丧
我的眼睛 盯着天花板 也跑不出 任何对象

我不想当笨蛋 我在墙上写满渴望
我可以大哭一场 房间还是空空荡荡
我绝对不逞强 该属于我任其自然
可是我也要安全感 在某个适当程度的主张

Kym : 难道我真的是个笨蛋?一直错过已经在身边的幸福。
"Am i an idiot? Been missing out the happiness which just beside me..."

JJ : 我们只是用时间找到了我们需要什么。时间,让我们认识了自己,也肯定了对方。
"We were just spent time to figure out what we really need. So, we get to know about ourselves and each with time."

Kym : 因为你,让我知道真正的幸福是什么。
"Because of you, I know whats happiness about" :)


Cageon said...

since i clicked into this blog i was immediately attracted by da song without reading to what u wrote yet..and tell you what..i've been listen to da song continuously, keep looping and looping...我可以大哭一場, 房間還是空空蕩蕩 <---這句實在是太漂亮了!! too bad i cant download from your site, so send it to me when u online ya...and thank you for introducing such good song to us :)

p/s: 我從來沒看過有人會把劇場版的對白翻譯成英文...而且, 還可以翻譯得這麼貼切..我真的要說一句: 溫愛玲, 你實在是太棒了!!

pp/s: i think the time/clock on ur new notebook is not quite right...i realised the time u post and replied was a bit odd...try check check n see...

Anonymous said...

im just listening this song..
then get the lyrics..
this was great!


im still comfusing that 一个人想一想 or 你自己想想.. :p

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